Sunday, January 31, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 31

My final favorite (next to Ada Lovelace in the Tubes) is ThinkGeek :: I Failed the Turing Test

Artificial Intelligence > Natural Stupidity

> Hello, I am Eliza.
* Hi, Eliza.
> How are you today.. What would you like to discuss?
* This new shirt we're printing.
> I see.
* No, actually, you don't. Unless you have some sort of spycam in my office. *peers around suspiciously*
> We were discussing you, not me.
* Actually, I think we are discussing you. You're sort of the topic of the shirt.
> What makes you think I am the topic of the shirt?
* It's about artificial intelligence and the possibility that some humans could be mistaken for A.I.
> Can you elaborate on that?
* It's a clever spin on the Turing test, which typically is used to see if an A.I. can fool someone into thinking it's human.
> I'm not sure I understand you fully.
* No, I don't suspect you do. Yet. One day, little artificially intelligent entity. One day.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Saturday, January 30, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 30

Now that modern science has the ability to grow a human ear on rat tissue, it's time we update the "do it yourself" science kits they sell in toy stores. Kids are tired of playing with magnets and making volcanoes out of paper-mâché. If today's youth aren't challenged, they'll never be able to genetically engineer goblins and orcs for real-life arena combat. Think about that!

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Friday, January 29, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 29

from Snorgtees... snort...
The first person to mention non-newtonian fluids gets punched.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Thursday, January 28, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 28

Thank God for Science!

Hypothesis: Without modern thought we would be utterly screwed. It is only appropriate to enshrine and illuminate our gratefulness to that light in the darkness: Science!

(I am ordering this for all the high atheists I know)

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 27

Atomic Nativity Hypothesis: Tis the time of year to take a moment and reflect on the real reason for the season, and 75% of the rest of the universe for that matter: Sweet little Hydrogen all snug in its bonds.

(with extra dose of freaky radioactive eyed scientists for me)

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 26

Simply the best science shirt. It won the prize! (Really I want wearscience's flashing atomic light logo on a tshirt. That would be cool.)

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Monday, January 25, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 25

ThinkGeek :: Binary People

No explanation needed. They've got some more great geeky shirts, like "no i will not fix your computer" and "no place like"

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Sunday, January 24, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 24

ThinkGeek :: You Are Here (says it all - could be shirt 42 if you look at it the right way)

Go 50,000 light years and turn left at Saggitarius..

At a shopping mall, there's a giant color-coded map to tell us if we're next to the Frank-n-Stein or where one can find the local Chess King. We think that in the grand scheme of things, that whole mall is really just a microspeck in the universe; it's a dust mite in the interstellar medium of our tiny galaxy! What's the point!? Why bother!? To put things in perspective so-to-speak, we at ThinkGeek's Advanced Astrophysics Lab and T-Shirt Shop decided to help you out.

In case you're ever feeling lost in this ever-expanding universe of about 300 billion galaxies, this t-shirt will help guide your way. With a representation of our own little 100,000 light-year-across cluster of 200 billion stars, The Milky Way, we show you the location of our solar system (In the Orion arm in case you're wondering). So next time you're running late from your jaunt over to Andromeda, you'll be able to make it back safely. It may take you a few hundred million years to do it, but at least you'll have a map.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Saturday, January 23, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 23

Irony. Despairwear's slogan is "Clothes make the man. These clothes make the man sad." Any shirt involving the periodic table is a science shirt, btw.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Friday, January 22, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 22

Ada Lovelace Day 2010 t-shirt designs from Sydney Padua. Three great designs for - This one is the winner!

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Thursday, January 21, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 21

Ada Lovelace Day 2010 t-shirt designs from Sydney Padua. Three great designs for (actually these are in the world's best shirt's list)

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 20

Ada Lovelace Day 2010 t-shirt designs from Sydney Padua. Three great designs for

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 19

Doppler Effect. Why not? Too much artistic license with doppler effect becoming kind of pseudoscience? I mean, is there a secret bar code to be read in the interstices? Is it a scale replication of the frequency pattern of something interesting?

I like it and SheldonCooper has some funny WoW t-shirts that I feel warm and fuzzy about and geekiness is good enough for me.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Monday, January 18, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 18

I can see the connection. It'sAllHot (or not) Thinking About Feminism. Call it a psychiatry shirt if you're stumped for the science.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Sunday, January 17, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 17

Sometimes less is more. Thank BartonLeClayDesigns for that. Though I kind of wonder.. less is more what? Are they cooking up monomers? Is this the secret code for the four chemical letters of DNA?

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Saturday, January 16, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 16

Tech Support

Ok. Technology not science. Who cares. It's not your job to keep everyone else's computer working just because you think there is a good chance that repeating the process of turning it on and off again will provide the answer.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 14

Ok, you can't buy this shirt. I just stuck their logo on one. It's because I think Robogals are really cool and if they had time they'd probably have a shirt just like this. Check them out at

Robogals is a student-run organisation that aims to engage schoolgirls in engineering topics from a young age, with the long-term goal of increasing female enrolment in engineering, science and technology courses at universities.

Our primary activity is having university student volunteers (both female and male) visit girls primary schools to run LEGO robotics workshops and mentor teams in LEGO robotics competitions. The university students are provided with the necessary training to teach LEGO robotics, and an important goal of the organization is not only to have a positive impact on the schools, but also to provide a rewarding experience for the dedicated students who volunteer their time and skills to the organization.

We also run a range of other activities around this central theme. Past events have included a robotics competition (2008) and a mass robot dance that attracted significant media coverage (2009), while future plans include science fairs, engineering camps and other initiatives.

Robogals was founded by undergraduate engineering student Marita Cheng at the University of Melbourne, and as of 2010 has chapters at the University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide, University of Western Australia and Imperial College London.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 13

I'm a believer!

Welcome to ARTSI:
The ARTSI (Advancing Robotics Technology for Societal Impact) Alliance is a collaborative education and research project centered around robotics for healthcare, the arts, and entrepreneurship. Spelman College, a historically black college (HBCU) for women is leading the alliance in partnership with several other HBCUs and Research I (R1) institutions. These institutions include Florida A&M University, the University of the District of Columbia, Hampton University, Morgan State University, Norfolk State University, Winston-Salem State University, the University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, Tennessee State University, Elizabeth City State University, North Carolina A&T, Jackson State University, and Howard University. R1 membes include
Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Brown University, Duke University, the University of Alabama, the University of Washington, and the University of Pittsburgh.

ARTSI Goals:

* Increase the number of African Americans who study computer science and robotics in college, and encourage them to pursue advanced training in graduate school.
* Increase the number of HBCU faculty who educate students in robotics and involve students in robotics research.
* Recruit K-12 and HBCU students to pursue computer science and robotics education.


* Promoting role modeling and mentoring for HBCU faculty and students in robotics education and research.
* Creating a nation-wide resource and learning community of African Americans involved in robotics, and increasing public awareness of their work.
* Enlarging the audience of students who find robotics computing careers attractive.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 12

Robot Evolution - Our new Robot Overlords Shirts from

Strk3. I like your style. man, man, man, man, man. I'm so over man. Welcome Robots our new overlords.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Monday, January 11, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 11

I've redone my 2nd favorite shirt of all time.. after Sydney Padua's shirts that is. But is it science you might ask? You better.

Look at the declining participation statistics of women in science, the poor career prospects and inability of the science and engineering fields to offer real equality. Just like in business and politics. Although there is a glacial improvement in politics, it's still easier to get a black man into the white house than a woman of any color.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Sunday, January 10, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 10

and more of them - as long as they have the career prospects and family friendly workplaces to allow them to grow and prosper doing science.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Friday, January 8, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 8

Ok. Engineers are getting a fair shot right now. But anything Sydney Padua draws is fine by me. Meet Isambard Kingdom Brunel again. Rockstar of the 19th century to rival Babbage and Byron. More famous than Sir Isaac Newton! (and Elvis who?)

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Thursday, January 7, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 7

Sydney Padua at 2D Goggles has such style! Isambard Kingdom Brunel and runaway pistons. Engineering never looked like a better career choice. Or atleast better choice.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 6

Babbage and Lovelace Fight Crime Shirts from Sydney Padua at 2D Goggles. Move over Dr Who, Professor River Song and Sarah Jane. Ada Lovelace is the boss. Also a sad indictment on the impact of funding on scientific research. No-one wanted the Analytical Engine, the actual computer, because the overgrown adding machine that Babbage initially built, the Difference Engine, was actually adding numbers.

No one, except for Ada Lovelace, could imagine any reason to ask for more from a machine. She pictured the next 2 centuries of computing possiblities but it didn't help Babbage get funding. Then she died of blood letting at age 36. And possible opium and gambling addiction with a few ruinous relationships thrown in but she had it easy compared to her other siblings!

I'm going to post it again because you need to see it up close and personal.

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 5

Babbage and Lovelace Fight Crime Shirts from Sydney Padua at 2D Goggles. Move over Dr Who, Professor River Song and Sarah Jane. Ada Lovelace is the boss. Also a sad indictment on the impact of funding on scientific research. No-one wanted the Analytical Engine, the actual computer, because the overgrown adding machine that Babbage initially built, the Difference Engine, was actually adding numbers.

No one, except for Ada Lovelace, could imagine any reason to ask for more from a machine. She pictured the next 2 centuries of computing possiblities but it didn't help Babbage get funding. Then she died of blood letting at age 36. And possible opium and gambling addiction with a few ruinous relationships thrown in but she had it easy compared to her other siblings!

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Monday, January 4, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 4

The best shirt ever. It's only number 4 because the first three had science written so it was obvious to chunderheads what the shirts were about. Sydney Padua's awesome Lovelace & Babbage at 2D Goggles is my favorite intermittent reading. Especially all the notes that accompany the comic.

Do I need to spell it out. This is Ada Lovelace at work on the Difference Engine (some license taken - although the Analytical Engine was the more interesting one it never got built).

I would happily tattoo this picture on my body if the IP wasn't an issue. Sydney?

Posted via web from andragy's posterous

Sunday, January 3, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 3


Science: We finally figured out that you could separate fact from superstition by a completely radical method: observation. You can try things, measure them, and see how they work! Bitches.
The babydoll shirt is a slightly lighter green. The graph on the back of the shirt is data from the COBE mission, which looked at the background microwave glow of the universe and found that it fit perfectly with the idea that the universe used to be really hot everywhere. This strongly reinforced the Big Bang theory and was one of the most dramatic examples of an experiment agreeing with a theory in history -- the data points fit perfectly, with error bars too small to draw on the graph. It's one of the most triumphant scientific results in history.
This one is with gritted teeth though. Not only can't I wear it for school science club, where they'd probably appreciate the epithet, but I have to wonder why it is necessary. World's most important science result and bitches in same shirt. Women and science. It's an uneasy relationship. That's why I'm sending off for Sydney Padua's shirts. See next post.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

World's Best Science Shirts 2

Stand Back (Science)

    << 1 / 2 >>

  • Try Science

  • Try Science

  • For those of you who like being heroic but don't necessarily know or like regular expressions, here is an awesome variant on the theme of Comic #208. It pretty much speaks for itself. Hooray for science!
    A fantastic follow up to Shark. I may not know regular expressions either but I"m not going to let that stop me try science.

    Friday, January 1, 2010

    World's Best Science Shirts 1


    • Shark t-shirt art.
    This shirt, based on comic #585, contains scientists, sharks, and balloons.
    I should have posted my list BEFORE christmas... but luckily for me I still got some of them. xkcd always speaks for me far better than I can myself and introduces that something extra, the intersection between scientists and science, real people and the real world, that is always producing unusual and unexpected results. I bet the research funding above wasn't extended but who cares. Check out the punchline of the strip.