Monday, August 29, 2011

Civilization - not changing much.

Are the richest Americans any different? No. About 9/10ths of the wealthiest Americans are men. Only 1/10th of the Forbes' list of America's 400 richest people were women. To be precise, 42 out of 400.

There's a fair bit of inherited wealth on both sides of the gender divide, and quite a portfolio dispersion so it's not possible to speculate about cultural fields and gender within the list. However, it would be interesting to check back over time and see if there is any significant increase in the numbers of wealthy women. I suspect that not a great deal has changed, but a sense of the timescale for changes relating to gender and racial equality might ensue. I think that African-Americans and Native Americans should be feeling justifiably left out.

Posted via email from andragy's posterous

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