First rule of housework is NO HOUSEWORK!
Second rule of housework is related to the second law of thermodynamics as expressed succintly by Pamela Zoline in the seminal "Heat Death of the Universe" 1967 - see
Where the second law of thermodynamics states that entropy (disorganization) will always rise in a closed system. Therefore, housework, while reducing the entropy in the house, will only result in even greater entropy in the universe as a whole. Why fight physics?
The third rule of housework = the third google entry, a fabulously funny essay which you'll just have to go visit.
The next google entries were respectively; - The Exercise Benefits of Housework; ZenHabits - The Minimalist's Guide to Simple Housework; Housework Tips; and How Men Dodge Housework.
This is my point in a nutshell. When my partner does the housework, he gets to feel good for every hour of labour done. When I do (or don't) housework, I get to feel bad for every hour of labour UNDONE.
And there is never, never enough energy to fight entropy. See rule 2.