Saturday, October 4, 2008

Republicans vs World and why homeland security reads my blog

I'm not paranoid. Not long ago, I only had 3 people reading this blog. Me, my partner and someone in Washington. I blame it on my post "Stop attacking Sarah Palin's character" and am contemplating changing it to "Stop assassinating Sarah Palin's character", just to see if it shakes loose more monkeys.

So, in your honour, here's the 'so funny it hurts' US Presidential map from Rachel Hills at Musings of an inappropriate woman, from the 5th Down Under Feminists Carnival hosted by Hell on Hairy Legs. Fabulous work!

Thanks to my statcounter, I was able to see that I am now being read by the Australian Department of Parliamentary Services in Canberra. Ever since I posted on the Hollowmen - Waste of Energy, in fact.

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