Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Key To Success: Be A Man | The Current Conscience

It’s been nearly two months since I launched this website, which primarily features my point-of-view and my writing. It’s also been seven months since I began actively writing about women.

In my writing, I discuss issues that brilliant women writers and commentators have already written and talked about for many years—these women are much more talented than I am and they are the ones who actually face the issues that I address.

So, even though I am not always discussing anything new, my site has received hundreds of thousands of hits in the last month and a half, with little promotional effort on my part.

And while I know I worked hard to get here, hours and hours of endless writing and research, more all-nighters than I can count, there’s an overriding element that plays into my success: I am a man.

An enjoyable read. One minute I think this is good, the next...

Posted via email from andragy's posterous

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